Hall of Fame Nominations

The Bolton Hall of Fame is intended to recognize Bolton alumni, staff, teams and benefactors for their outstanding achievement,  positive accomplishments, and contributions to society. Nominations are due by October 1, 2025.

Bolton Hall of Fame
Nomination Form

Information about the Nominee

Please enter a valid email address. Incorrect addresses mean that the person you're nominating may not receive information from the Hall of Fame committee.
United States +1
Please enter the graduating class. In the case of faculty who did not graduate from Bolton, use "N/A".0 / 5
Category of Nomination *

Sponsor's Information

United States +1

Supporting Documentation

It is suggested that your nomination contain testimonials and/or background data from other sources/people. Focus on the nominee's contributions to Bolton and/or society is recommended.

    Prefer to mail in your nomination?

    If you would like to mail in a paper nomination instead of submitting the online form, please use the link to download the form and send it to the following address: 

    P.O. Box 13414
    Alexandria, LA 71315 

    All nomination forms must be received by October 1, 2024.